Downtown Warren’s growing small business shopping experiences - from book and music stores to antiques and flower shops; outdoor gear experts to clothing boutiques - means you’ll find a bit of something for everyone.
Boasting a variety of antiques, collectibles, militaria, records, primitives and more. Parts of this three-floor unconventional shop feel more like a museum with so many truly unique, and at times downright bizarre (and maybe a little uncomfortable) collectibles. Be sure to get the backstory of what you’re looking at and how the item made it to Warren, from the shop owner, Charlie. You never know what you’ll find at Allegheny Antiques.
314 Second Ave, Warren, PA 16365; (814) 726-2288; follow them on Facebook.
Canoe and kayak outfitter spanning 107 miles of the Allegheny River, along with an outdoors store offering quality gear for backpacking, hiking, camping, canoeing and kayaking; and bike maintenance. Need help planning a trip? Pull up a chair at the “big table” and use their maps to get started!
20 Clark St, Ste A Warren, PA 16365; (814) 723-3030; follow them on Facebook and Instagram; visit their website.
This fun shop buys and sells used books, classic rock vinyl lps, cds, dvds, sheet music, music books, old photos, postcards, vintage magazines.
227 Liberty St, Warren, PA 16365; (814) 688-3009; follow them on Facebook.
A locally owned herbs, supplements, and specialty grocery store. Offering our community a peaceful environment to reach their health goals naturally.
346 Pennsylvania Ave W, Warren, PA 16365; (814) 723-3863; follow them on Facebook.
Featuring the region's largest cigar humidor at over 600 square feet, an expanded wall full of pipe tobacco, pipes and accessories, an expansive selection of cigars, a large selection of cutters, lighters, personal humidors and everything else you would need to enjoy fine tobacco.
332 Pennsylvania Ave W, Warren, PA 16365; (814) 726-2782; follow them on Facebook; visit their website.
Fun little antique shop with many handcrafted items as well as vintage, furniture and gifts.
100 E Saint Clair St, Warren, PA; (814) 730-5510; follow them on Facebook.
The Salsa Soleil boutique is about expressing yourself through fashion with vibrant colors and unique patterns. We can't wait to help you find your own color of expression.
336 Pennsylvania Ave W, Warren, PA 16365; (814) 331-8797; follow them on Facebook and Instagram; visit their website.
Multiple vendors showcasing an assortment of antiques, furniture, collectibles, new gift items, clothing & much more over three floors.
306 2nd Avenue, Warren, PA 16365; (814) 230-9022; follow them on Facebook.
Quality music education from our area’s finest professional teachers and musicians, along with full service repair and retail instruments and accessories.
220 Pennsylvania Ave W, Warren, PA 16365; (814) 580-3913; follow them on Facebook and Instagram; visit their website.
The Tybout House is an adorably quaint yarn, candy, tea and gift shop.
117 Market Street, Warren, PA 16365; (814) 230-9164; follow them on Facebook; visit their website.
A full service florist and delightful gift shop. Flowers, Dan Smith Chocolates, candles, Stonewall Kitchen gourmet foods, and gift selection. Wedding specialist including floral bouquets, venue decorator, and services.
224 Pennsylvania Ave. W, Warren, PA 16365; (814) 723-5760; follow them on Facebook and Instagram; visit their website.
Bicycles, sporting goods, skis and snowboards; and custom apparel and team sales.
216 Liberty St Warren, PA 16365; (814) 723-6762; follow them on Facebook and Instagram; visit their website.
Other shops in Warren you may need:
Ace Hardware Oneida Lumber
405 Beech St, Warren, PA, 16365; (814) 723-8220; follow them on Facebook.
Crone's Gift and Medical Supply
214 Liberty St, Warren, PA 16365; (814) 726-0591; follow them on Facebook; visit their website.
Gaughn’s Drug Store
346 Pennsylvania Ave W, Warren, PA 16365; (814) 723-2840; follow them on Facebook; visit their website.